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The Government of Werreales, officially the Federal Government of Werreales (abbreviated GoW), is the governing institution of the Imperial Federation of Werreales. Its structure works on the principles of federalism, ministerial cooperation and democracy. The modern form of the Government, that is the federal system in which Werreales is currently governed, was put in place by Prime Minister AKIRA Junpei on November, 2018 the 30th by a national referendum.

Prime Minister

The Government is leaded by a Prime Minister, who gets elected every three months during the General Elections. His main roles are to effectively apply the governmental agenda and to represent the country during diplomatic events and parliamentary sessions.

The current Prime Minister of Werreales is 明淳平, AKIRA Junpei [強国党], a right-wing politician. He was elected on November, 2018 the 30th.

Junpei Akira

Government Composition

The current government was elected by the Parliament on November, 2018 the 30th and is effective until Febuary, 2018 the 28th. This government is known for cohabiting three political forces. The Party for a Strong and Sovereign Werreales has 3 ministries (not counting the PM), whereas the Party for a Great Country has 3 ministries. The Party for the People only has 2 ministries.

Minister of Economy, Trade, Agriculture, Industry and Innovation
櫻井博嗣, SAKURAI Hiroshi [強国党]
Minister of Homeland Security
崎山武志, SAKIYAMA Takeshi [強国党]
Minister of Justice
望月重政, MOCHIZUKI Shigemasa [強国党]
Minister of Defense and Galactic Surveillance
辻田内膳, TSUJITA Naizen [高国党]
Minister of Foreign Affairs
日常春樹, ICHIJOU Haruki [高国党]
Minister of Infrastructure, Transportation and Ecology
緒方弁慶, OGATA Benkei [高国党]
Minister of Instruction, Research and Culture
尾崎国行, OSAKI Kuniyuki [人の党]
Minister of Health, Labour, Youth and Sports
朝下枝, ASA Shizue [人の党]

Structure of the Government

The Government is composed of 9 ministries and 36 departments.

Federal Administration

The Werai Administration is decentralized and federal: the Federation delegates some of its decision-making powers to federal states, which in turn delegate their powers to local governments. This organization and the functioning of federal states are codified by the Federal Administration Act.

The Werai administration has seven levels:

  1. The State
  2. The Cluster
  3. The Sector
  4. The System
  5. The Planet
  6. The Prefecture
  7. The City
  8. The District

The Cluster has its own constitution, government, parliament and justice system.

Policies put in place by the Government

Since its foundation, the Government of Werreales has contributed to develop and protect Werreales through many policies. Here is a list of some of the policies carried out by this government:

  1. Establishment of federalism as a governance regime
    Date : November 2018, 30th
    Under the government Akira (I)


The Government of Werreales, as many other governments on NationStates, is composed of numerous buildings, each having a specific purpose. Main buildings holding vital powers are located within the Seiku district, in Shinkyō.


Prime Minister’s residence is named Kantei (官邸, litt. the Official Residence). It is a well-guarded facility equipped with a landing point for helicopters, protected communications and a private library.

Picture of the entrance of Prime Minister’s residence.


Naikaku (内閣, litt. the National Cabinet) is the seat of the Prime Minister of Werreales.

Picture of the National Cabinet and its surroundings.


Moriuchi (守内, litt. the House of Defense) is the seat of the Ministry of Defense and Galactic Surveillance, as well as the headquarters of the Galactic Forces of Werreales. This building is located next to the Cabinet of the Prime Minister.

This building use the latest technologies to prevent any assault by foreign forces. For this reason, it is one of the best guarded facilities on Earth.

Picture of the House of Defense, a cutting-edge fortress.