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Political parties

Werreales is a representative democracy. It means the people exercise their power by the mean of political parties. Every citizen is free to create or join a political party.

Since its foundation, Werreales aspires for a better and prosperous future. In contrast with Japan, the country is profoundly progressive from a political, social and economic point of view. Progressivism is an ideal defended by a major part of Werai political parties. As such, differences between parties lie essentially in the way of governing the country. There are three mainstream political parties, from the left, the moderate and the right.

Party for the People [人の党]

This party brings together the left and the far left of the country. Its main demands are the reduction in the number of working hours, the legalization of demonstrations and unions, the increase of wages and the invention of the universal salary.

Party for a Great Country [高国党]

This party brings together the center-left and the center-right in a single political force. Its political program focuses on lowering taxes, increasing student aid, and the economic and cultural openness of Werreales. This party defends body and soul the rights of all sentient species.

Party for a Strong and Sovereign Werreales [強国党]

This right-wing party defends the sovereignty of the Werai people. It wants the borders to be closed to illegal immigrants and political exiles from communist countries. The right-wing party wants a general drop in taxes and a return to the Republic.