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Legislative Journal Organization

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The Cleanliness Act

This Act creates standards for clean air, clean water, and general pollution, creates the first Regional recognized preserved areas and parks, sets food safety regulations, sets standards for disposal of food, sewage, and nuclear wastes, and addresses the concept of animal rights. These standards will be placed across the Region, with the attempt to create a standard policy throughout.

Article I - Clean Air, Clean Water, and General Pollution Standards

This Act sets standards for clean air, clean water, and general pollution standards. To achieve this, nations with cars must create fuel efficiency standards. Other transport methods, such as trains and planes, must have similar standards. Smog days must be heavily reduced to 1% of the year, or roughly 4 days a year. Acid Rain producing chemicals, Ozone wrecking chemicals, and other environmental destroying chemicals, such as large scale defoliants, are banned permanently by this act. All waterways must be completely cleaned by every nation, and dumping into waterways is banned by this act. Landfills must be managed by each government in the Region, to ensure that they are as clean and as well maintained as possible. Failure to do so will result in heavy fines, placed by the Government of the Region, while continued failure will result in shutdown of the businesses involved.

Article II - Registration and Creation of Preserved Areas, National Parks, and Other Such Areas

This Act registers and creates preservation areas and national parks which are to be maintained through the Ministry of the Interior. All nations must create and/or register these areas with the Ministry, who will be empowered to check and approve said areas.

Article III - Food Safety Regulations

This Act requires that each nation regulates the way food is grown, harvested, and processed. These regulations must be checked by the Ministry of the Interior. Should a nation not comply with standards that are set, the Ministry of the Interior can demand recall of all imports of that variety until the standards are met successfully. Should the issues continue, the businesses involved will be fined heavily, and pressure must be put upon that nation to comply.

Article IV - Standards for Disposal of Food, Sewage, and Nuclear Wastes

This Act requires that all nations place safe standards on the disposal of food, sewage, and nuclear wastes. Open sewers are banned. All wastes must be disposed of properly, with control of nuclear waste placed under the control of the Ministry of Defense, who shall set standards for proper disposal.

Article V - Animal Rights

This Act brings the idea of animal rights to the Region. Animal rights is the idea that some, or all, non-human animals are entitled to the possession of their own lives and that their most basic interests—such as the need to avoid suffering—should be afforded the same consideration as similar interests of human beings. This Act recognizes the following about Animal Rights (pulled from a Wikipedia article</a>)

Article VI - Ratification

This Act shall be ratified when 51% of all nations vote yes on the measure, and steps will be taken immediately after passage to set the standards.