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Legislative Journal Organization

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The Cartography Ruleset

  1. All map claims must be approved by the Head Cartographer as is subject to removal and reduction based on failure to comply with any following rules.
  2. All nations must have claim approved before beginning to role-play.
  3. A National History must be presented and approved before map placement.
  4. Starting Claims larger than the size of Brazil will be automatically be rejected. (Claims can be expanded once on map)
  5. Failure to participate in regional affairs and RP can subject you to nation size reduction and/or nation removal.
  6. You cannot claim land that is already claimed by another nation unless you have their approval.
  7. If a claim is a rejected by either the Regional Delegate or Head Cartographer, you can reapply unless told otherwise.
  8. Interregional Puppets are NOT allowed on the regional map! Anyone with more than 1 nation on the map can get both nations BANNED FROM THE MAP PERMANENTLY.
  9. If an existing nation relinquishes a part of their land and a new nation claims said land, the original nation shall not be allowed to reclaim the relinquished land. (This is assuming the existing original nation recognizes the new nations existence)
  10. Nations that are inactive for 5 or more days are subject to Reduction or Removal. (If a nation gives a preemptive warning that they will be away for a few days, this rule will be voided)
  11. Unclaimed land cannot be taken without approval from the Cartographers.
  12. Regional Cartographers cannot claim new land or expand without the approval of the other Cartographer and the Delegate.
  13. Nations may not have claims on more than one map.
  14. Nations can receive automatic removal (without breaking any of the above rules) from map in the following scenarios:
    • Delegate, Head Cartographer and Active Cartographer unanimously agree to remove claim
    • Region votes to Remove claim
    • Nation leaves or is ejected from region
    • Nation decides to withdraw themselves from the map
    • Nations is suspected of being an invader/traitor
    • Nation is proven to have used puppets on the map